Thursday, March 19, 2009


There is a fine line of difference between silence and ignorance....
At times we choose to remain silent & then there are times when we just "sleep over" things. And that’s what I attempt to show here. The sealed lips indicates silence where as closed eyes show the signs of being uninformed, and the whole frame in its entirity indicates Ignorance. Not that I m being preachy or anything but since I am talking about silence, ignorance and all such things I'd just like to urge all those who visit my blog [if any] to go ahead and please vote. And as I speak of it a beautiful verse which has been written by a friend strikes me:
But parasthi se hame aakhir kya fayda,
Gar Khuda insaan hota, toh aaina hi kafi tha.
- Amit julka

1 comment:

S@RG@M said...

It took me more than 2 minutes to identify that its a snap of someone sleeping!!! he he he.... Nice creative thing!!